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Photography and digital art for albums and singles


title. Diamond in my Soul

artist. Terje Gravdal

data. 2023

local. Odda - Norway

Photography // Cover for the album

title. Reach

artist. Laupsa Lokomotiv

data. 2021

local. Oslo - Norway

Photography // Cover for the album

title. Tisunge Mwambo

artist. Patrik Chimbewa

data. 2016

local. Lilongwe - Malawi

Digital paint // Cover art for the album

title. We are Zinking

artist. Jafs

data. 2021

local. Stavanger - Norway


Digital art // Cover art for the single

title. They

artist. Olav Abildgaard

data. 2023

local. Oslo - Norway


Digital art // Cover art for the single

title. Making Use of Rhymes

artist. Olav Abildgaard

data. 2023

local. Oslo - Norway


Photography // Cover for the single

title. É Amor

artist. Nikolas Goza

data. 2016

local. Lilongwe - Malawi

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